Adv. Anuar Hossan (Panna)
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Adv.Anuar Hossan (Panna)
Chief Executive Officer & Legal Advisor
Hi! This is Adv.Anuar Hossan (Panna) Chief Executive Officer & Legal Advisor of Visa Point International Bangladesh. Please find my contact details below. Feel free to contact me for any relevant query.
Also, please find my short profile below for your convenience:
Adv. Anuar Hossan (Panna) Founder CEO and Legal Advisor of Visa Point International Bangladesh as well as Founder of sister concern Ayra Education, Legal Bee Associate and Language Point, I have Completed My LLB and LLM from Leeds Trinity University UK, and Practicing law as an Advocate in District & Session Court Dhaka and Apprentice Lawyer Supreme Court of Bangladesh, I have more than 10 years’ experience in Education Counselling and Immigration policy around the World. Thank you